If any person or group wishes to visit the Children, one must make contact with the TH Director, Mrs. Ulamila Powell by email to a_treasures@yahoo.com and you will be sent the formal documents required to start the process.
In the case of simply delivering goods to TH with no expectation of seeing or meeting children, you can attend the home within 12pm and 2pm.
We discourage spontaneous visits to see or meet the children entirely as it is impossible to undertake the necessary screening process without pre planning your visit. Thank you for your understanding.
The formal process for visitation is for the Welfare department forms to be completed and for Police check / working with children check to be completed. As stated, these will be sent to you when you contact us at a_treasures@yahoo.com
Please be reminded that you will be screened according to the Welfare Department's processes before being approved.
Visitations on Sundays are not permitted unless a special request is made to the TH Director.
To check for donations not permitted consult with the Director upon contact.
Photos of the children are not permitted; you may request a group photo with the Caregivers at the end of your visit.
Sweets, chocolates and lollies must be donated directly to the House Mother as we have children with special Medical restrictions that must be protected.
We appreciate your interest in visiting and your support of Treasure House Christian Children's Home.
You are allowed a max of 30 minutes to visit the children, and would need to leave to avoid over crowding and disruption to the children's daily schedule.
If the guidelines stated above are not met, you will not be permitted to visit the children.
Monday - Friday
during school: 4pm on
during holidays: discuss with Director
Saturday: Discuss with Director